Author: Jason Crist

  • The Rental Car Thing

    The Rental Car Thing

    We flew into Florida the other day. It was a most lovely flight; The second time the kids had flown and the excitement of the experience was still very high. Exiting the plane, riding the tram to pick up our rental car, the warm salty smell of the air, it was all very exciting. The…

  • Find Interesting Things

    Find Interesting Things

    We can find interesting things all over the place. Find them, Interesting. Find them interesting on purpose. They can stop being interesting if we choose. Then they are boring. Interesting is better.

  • Write Moar

    Write Moar

    Is this how they start? “I’m going to write more.” And then for a while I write more. Every day? “Most days” More day’s than not? At least twice a week. Or one long thing once a week. I can edit one week though and post the next and that still counts right. Did I…